The history of Nguyen's Army
Our cybermilitia has been founded in early 2022, originally to counter pedophiles, racism, cyberbullies, etc... on Steam and on Discord, but we ended up fighting for a bigger and better cause. The cause is to fight for freedom and equality in the international cyberspace. Our first official tip-off in international hacktivism was against the Russian government and their non-government allies. This was a HUGE and EPIC victory for us and a great kickstart for our newly-established morale. Even though we already officially declared victory in the cyberwar against Russia in the summer of 2024, we still commence DDoS attacks against the Russian government. We mostly employ network reconnaisance + DDoS attack tactics due to legal affairs, however, don't be fooled by it, we have highly advanced tech. Our software arsenal is in any case NOT limited to DDoS tools, however, we operate in compliance with the laws of our countries. Below is a brief list of countries, whose governments we have trolled and of organizations, whom we also trolled:
- Nguyen's Army versus Russia (Decisive PMC Nguyen victory)
- Nguyen's Army versus Azov (PMC Nguyen victory)
- Nguyen's Army versus Wagnerites (PMC Nguyen defeat, we only succeeded in bombing their emails)
- Nguyen's Army against the Taliban (PMC Nguyen victory)
- Nguyen's Army against Israel (PMC Nguyen victory)
- Nguyen's Army versus the American police, decisive PMC Nguyen victory
- Nguyen's Army versus ISIS (PMC Nguyen victory)
- Nguyen's Army vs the Somali government[NGOSOM I (against Somaliland) & NGOSOM II (against the Somali government as a whole)], both were victories
- Nguyen's Army versus ISIS part II (PMC Nguyen victory)
- PMC Nguyen versus the USA (Decisive PMC Nguyen victory)